- How does Murder at Old Fields support NGSS, Common Core and state standards?
- How much does it cost?
- Do I have to buy both the real-world kit and the online version to use Murder at Old Fields?
- How do I pay for it?
- Does it work on an iPad or Chromebook?
- Does Murder at Old Fields require any special software?
- Is there an expiration date on accounts?
- How long does it take to use Murder at Old Fields?
- I am a homeschooler - can I use Murder at Old Fields?
- What is the appropriate grade levels for Murder at Old Fields?
- How do students get started?
- Why isn't Murder at Old Fields free?
- How does Murder at Old Fields support NGSS, Common Core and state standards?
When investigating Murder at Old Fields, students learn and then apply science and math as they ask questions, collect and analyze data, research information, develop models, collaborate with others, engage in argument from evidence and ultimately draw conclusions.
Murder at Old Fields students use the latest in web-based technology, to critically analyze information and to document and communicate their results.
Murder at Old Fields promotes literacy through reading, writing and communication skills via student engagement with primary historical documents. Students compose written reports using logical arguments based on substantive claims backed by evidence.
Learn more about how Murder at Old Fields can help your students to achieve learning standards.
Back to Top - How much does it cost?
The cost for the online version of Murder at Old Fields is based on a subscription model, the cost of which depends on the number of student accounts needed and the length of the subscription. Teacher accounts are free. To learn more, use the Subscription Calculator.
The real-world kit cost $549.99 with refills starting at $209.99. Kits and refills can be purchased from Ward's Natural Science.
You do not need to buy the real-world kit in order to use the online activity.
Back to Top - Do I have to buy both the real-world kit and the online activity to use Murder at Old Fields ?
No - both the real-world kit and the online activity are designed to work independently, but many teachers elect to incorporate both into their teaching because it then offers a blended mix of activities that can be done in the real world or the virtual world online.
For example, a teacher may conduct the Hair Analysis lesson in their school lab using the real-world kit, and then assign the Murder at Old Fields online Hair Analysis lab for homework.
Back to Top - How do I pay for it?
Murder at Old Fields can be purchased online using a credit card, purchase order or check.
When purchasing with a credit card, your new student accounts immediately get added to your teacher account.
When using a purchase order, if you are a new customer, your purchase order must first be verified with the school accounting personnel you provide during the checkout process before the student accounts are added to your teacher account. After verification, Learn Engines will notify you of the fulfillment of the order and invoice your school using the PO#.
If you an existing customer, please allow 24 hours after we receive your purchase order for the new student accounts to be added to your teacher account. We will then notify you of the addition of the new student accounts and then invoice your school using the PO#.
The online version of Murder at Old Fields can also be purchased from one of our distributors, Ward's/VWR or Kendall Hunt. Back to Top
- Does it work on an iPad or Chromebook?
Yes - for an iPad, ipadOS 15.x and newer. For ChromeOS, version 100 or higher.
Back to Top - Does Murder at Old Fields require any special software?
No - Murder at Old Fields is delivered through your web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Edge, Firefox, Chrome, or Safari. Murder at Old Fields works best with the latest version of these browsers, but should work well with any relatively new version. If your computer has an older version of one of these browsers, you will be prompted to upgrade to a newer one. If you need to, the browser upgrade is quick, free and painless.
See our browser support page to learn more.
Back to Top - Is there an expiration date on accounts?
Teacher accounts are forever free. Student accounts can be re-used as often as necessary during the term of the subscription. For example, once a teacher's fall class of students has finished with Murder at Old Fields, those accounts can be reset and reused at no additional charge for students in the spring semester as long as the subscription is still active and has not expired.
Basic account maintenance of this type is conducted by the teacher through the administrative dashboard.
- How long does it take to use Murder at Old Fields ?
Murder at Old Fields is designed for optimal class schedule flexibility. It can accommodate Forensic Science classes taught as a semester-long course, a week-long science camp, a culminating activity or a unit within a biology or chemistry block.
This flexibility is possible because the seven (7) lessons in Murder at Old Fields can be enabled or disabled by the teacher depending on how much time he/she has for the Forensic Science time period.
Back to Top - I am a homeschooler - can I use Murder at Old Fields ?
Murder at Old Fields is well-suited for home-school teaching because the teacher does not have to be an expert in Forensic Science to use it; it is entirely self-contained. It includes the story of the crime, the crime scene, the lessons, auto-graded quizzes, auto-graded labs and an engaging "learn at your own pace" easy-to-use interface.
Back to Top - What is the appropriate grade levels for Murder at Old Fields ?
Murder at Old Fields is suitable for students starting in Grade 7 up through freshman year in college.
Back to Top - How do students get started?
After buying student accounts, teachers assign one of these accounts to each of his/her students. By assigning this student account, the function auto-generates a username and an initial password for that student account.
The teacher then accesses these initial passwords for the student-assigned accounts via the "Class Management" section of the teacher dashboard, and distributes them to the students.
Students then login at http://murderatoldfields.com/site/login using their username and the initial password that the teacher has given them.
At this initial log-in, the student will be prompted to set up their own personalized password.
Back to Top - Why isn't Murder at Old Fields free?
The continued maintenance and development of Murder at Old Fields and future cases in the Case History Historic Crime Series is funded solely through the sale of student accounts.
It has been developed by a small group of educators and programmers, creating groundbreaking innovation in the new world of online education.
Murder at Old Fields delivers a cutting-edge science educational experience to students while making it fun and easy for the teacher. It helps students across the US and the world achieve challenging science standards of learning and comprehension, as outlined by the NGSS, Common Core and state standards.
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